Some pretty funny bumper stickers here.
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Links from today's show ... audio and video.
It took Bill O'Reilly to get it out of him. Aired last night was the first piece of Bill O'Reilly's sit down with Barack Obama.
The troop surge in Iraq has been more successful than anyone could have imagined, Barack Obama conceded Thursday in his first-ever interview on FOX News’ “The O’Reilly Factor.”
Now if you watch the video (link below), you'll see he dances around why he didn't support the surge. And never really tells us why it took him this long to admit it worked. And even though he did admit it worked, he still throws all the other typical talking points in. It almost felt like to me watching it, that he knew he had to concede and say it, and it was painful for him. But hey, he said it. Progress. Now lets see if he votes for the Senate Resolution 636. Al though, I don't see how politically he can't.
Here's a video link also if you'd like to watch it.
~Post by Mel
It happened four times during McCain's acceptance speech. He not only handled it with class and dignity he turned it to his advantage. I know you want to stop me, he said ... so I will just say it again.
BTW ... she's claiming she was mishandled ... the video indeed shows otherwise. Go here to see (H/T Instapundit)
You see, stuff like this is why John McCain has a chance in November. The nastier and more disrespectful the other side gets, the more people get behind John McCain and Sarah Palin. Americans don't like dirty play. They want straight up, straight forward people without the nonsense. Disrupting the nomination speech??? Just straight up childish and rude. There's a time and a place and that wasn't it. Just as their plans for kidnapping delegates is insane. I don't think these protesters are the brightest. They just made asses out of themselves on national television and didn't rally people behind their cause, they scared people away.
Now I want to bring up one other point about this. Getting credentials for the RNC is not the easiest thing. Security was no joke around there. So, my question is, will they release where these protesters credentials came from??? Because I have a few guesses!!!
Read article here. There's also a video link in the article if you wanted to watch it. Surprise, surprise CNN keeps all cameras on the disruptive protesters!!! But kudos to John McCain for making a joke about it, laughing and moving on.
~Post by Mel
Michele Malkin is keeping us up to date on the latest attempt from the wacko media to TRY to smack down Sarah Palin. And I say TRY, because I don't think there's any stopping her no matter how hard they try. America likes her, and America understands her when she speaks. Read Michele's column here.
~Post by Mel
I am sorry I forgot to post this. In many ways it was the most important part of the speech. Trig is her newest child and has Down Syndrome.
What makes this so funny is its so true. I followed this as it unfolded and have the sound as well. Right after the Georgia invasion McCain called on Putin to put the tanks inreverse, Obama called on both sides to cool down. By the time it was all over Obama was echoing McCain.
Here's the immediate reaction from Chris Wallace and Karl Rove: a pit bull in heals indeed.
on ... taxes, big government, terror ... and empty speeches. And now you know why they called her "Sarah Baracuda"
Last post ... rest on the show tomorrow
She took on the oil companies, took their leases, taxed em and gave the money to the people. So tell me again why you don't like her? Oh yeah ... she sold the plane.
Coming from a former, and may I say award winning, journalist ... this is the money line. Take that MSM!
Ummm ... no wonder they are afraid ... just a small town girl with small town values. Look out Joe Biden. Here comes Sarah Baracuda!
It's the question the media has never asked. I wonder why. Then there's Alan being Alan.
My guess is the media never asked because it doesn't want to know the answer.
I like Newt's style ... my guess is Sarah would win.
And while you are at it ... take the poll over at Glenn Reynolds Place ... seems great minds.
Another example of fair and balanced reporting. Michelle Malkin is the best.
US Weekly for Palin and then US Weekly for Obama. Michelle Malkin says when you learn who the publisher is ... it's no surprise.
And while you are at it read her latest column at TownHall on sexism in this race.
Over at Hot Air they caught this in an hour I missed. This is pretty doggone good and Newt's frustration is understandable. Memo to reporters ... keep pushin ... you are turning Palin into a hero.
BTW ... I worked with Ron Allen. I always found him to be a smart hard working independent reporter so I have no idea if he's been infected by MSNBC disease. Here's hoping he has not.
I'll be glad to get back to normal CT!!! I don't have to worry about getting sprayed with bleach walking down the streets of CT. I actually hadn't heard about what happened to the CT delegates until I called home tonight. As I mentioned before, I was at a veteran's event today so I was out of the news loop. I hope that they are ok. If I was here tomorrow I'd try to connect with them to make sure they're ok.
So, while I was only here a short time, what an experience. Where else can you almost run into Bill Kristol in the hallway of the Xcel Center and walk by Greta Van Susteren on the street. And I have to say, it's nice to be in an environment where you're not afraid be tell people yes when they ask if you're a veteran.
I didn't put myself out there to meet a lot of people. I was more about observing from the background. Just watching things happen. I do want to share one memorable meeting though, Kevin Farley, the brother of Chris Farley. He was at the veterans event I attended today, a humble guy, he never mentioned his famous brother. He looks like him and he's funny. But what a nice guy and he's all about supporting veterans.
It's just one more great Powerline Post ... as as they put ... "Two more howlers by Obama."
I'm attending veteran networking events off site today, which is my reason for being here, so I'm excited for that. Hopefully there are still windows in the building we're going to.
Before I leave, one more word on the protesters. As I was watching the video coverage this morning, I was struck by how the only thing they seem to be doing is terrorizing people. Everyday folk are scared. Everyone has to walk to a certain point to pick shuttles or walk to hotels. So, maybe the protesters can remember that while they have the right to protest, the people attending the convention have the same right to attend. And they should have the right to walk safely on the streets of St Paul.
At the same time let me say that either former or current military people here can't wait to run into the anti-war crowd. Because it usually goes down like this: they're chanting some little line they came up with, but if you actually engage them and ask questions they get stumped and don't know what to do.
When Fox News this morning showed pictures of top government officials, presumably the object of their scorn, to the protesters, most couldn't even identify any of them. One, who actually actually admitted he didn't know a one, laughed like it was no big deal. I'm hoping they'll be less of them around the town today as school is back in session.
p.s. - what's with the masks of the the protesters??? If you truly believe in what you're doing you shouldn't need a mask. One word, childish.
Update: Mel is a blogger for RadioVice and a veteran of the Iraq War 2003-2004 with the 143rd Military Police Company. Her dutites while there were to patrol the streets of Baghdad among other things. She is the Connecticut Captain of the Veterans For Freedom Organization.
I wonder if he has an 800 number too. This video is for entertainment purposes. Senator Kerry on ABC's This Week responding to McCain's pick of my girl Sarah as VP. He says he alone knows who Senator McCain really wanted but picked Palin anyway because of Rush Limbaugh and ...... well just watch the video ... as Allahpundit says at Hot Air ... the money line is at the end.
I am still not sure what "a prisoner of the right wing attack not a maverick" is. Guess he got all caught up in the left wing attack not a maverick.
On Fox News Special Report Mort Kondracke weighs in on the Bristol Palin story. Just as on CNN (see post below), there's a verbal smack down, only this time by Bill Kristol.
Mort says this should show conservatives that abstinence education just does not work because Bristol Palin just didn't have birth control at her disposal. Kristol and the rest on the panel go nuts. Enjoy, for entertainment value alone.
CNN analyst Bill Bennett smacked down CNN for it's "investigation" of both the Sarah Palin pregnancy and the pregnancy of unmarried daughter Bristol Palin. First here's the report by someone named Kiera Phillips (no keys in TV anymore so excuse the spelling), Kiera tells us CNN sent her there to look into a rumor (that Sarah's youngest child was actually Bristol's child) that had no basis other than bloggers were talking.
Although I have to say not very impressed. They were trying to hold hands and block traffic, traffic that wasn't even going to the RNC. Not quite sure the point. But the police were great, calm and reserved. Not quite sure how they do it but they were absolutely professional. I thanked them as I walked by, the police that is. Not the protesters.
I was watching the briefing/q&a with Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff and was disgusted. The media's not showing concern for the people, they're asking Katrina questions so they can sit and wait for things to go wrong and nail them. I just find it so sad. This time should be about helping the people in harms way, not making this yet another political football.
~Post by Mel