If this were anyone else ... it would be front page news ... well in a way I guess it is.
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Links from today's show ... audio and video.
If this were anyone else ... it would be front page news ... well in a way I guess it is.
Oh man ... you want the government to pay for everything eh? It comes with a hefty price. "You lazy Americans."
Last night I said my impression was Fred won ... a lot of others do too! Thanks again to Hotair.
Update:Ooops ... it actually has little to do with last night ... still?
Ok we can disagree ... lots of folks like "the send the Iranians to the gates of hell" line by Huckabee ... And no ... it' s not the smoking ban that has me upset with Huckabee ... it's everything else (except his Christian core which is great when its not a campaign slogan)
Frequent guest on my show but not frequent enough. On Cavuto Wednesday she says Clinton won because of her .... well watch for yourself.
Former Clintonista Presser Dee Dee Myers ... on Hardball ... no Chris ... please say it ain't so!
From Wednesday Hardball on MSNBC
OK no more debate blogging. I am going to work on today's bite and tomorrow's video ... I should have it all posted in an hour or so.
Enough ... enough with the how are you a Reagan conservative. I can't speak for him but my guess is Reagan would be appalled I am sure. It's almost like the Dems invoking FDR and JFK. Memo to the pundits ... Look ahead not back. I am looking for a leader .... inner strength ... compassionate with the people ... tough on those who govern. Limited government in every way .... Stop invoking his name ... give me the person who will make his mark ... not walk in someone else's footprint.
Gotta admit I thought Giuliani was pretty good ... real good ... John McCain took a while to warm up but he was good too. I would be happy with any of the three. Are any a total across the board conservative? ... but then I am not myself. I believe and treasure personal liberty and that means I would like Republicans to stay out of my bedroom and Dems out of my wallet ... Reagan had his foibles too re: Terrorism. But Reagan had vision ... he had a core that would not bend to populism. But he also saw the Republican party as a big tent party, open to new ideas and thinking and I fear the tent shrinking.
Hey ... that focus group says Thompson won ... I tend to agree ... he sounded tough, funny and ... are you sitting ... consistant.
Sweeter words have never been spoken. Bless the Lord ... it's over ... how many more of these do I have to go through.
Immigrants have what ... 120 days to get out of the country but we don't have to round them up .... and illegals shouldn't have to live in the shadows ... but you got 4 months to get out ... what? This still makes no sense. Please ... somebody here stand up and stand out.
I have to go back and check the tape. Did Gov Romney say we have to close the borders and then check each illegal here individually? What ... we can't process 3 million passports and he's want to check out 12 million illegals ... oh brother.
Dumb question to Huckabee on "Submissive women" quote from the Bible.
"I didn't raise taxes Chris ... I raised hope." What? What pray tell (no pun there) is in the water in Arkansas?
What was up with the question ... "The Naval commander decided not the escalate the incident this week with Iran by not firing on the Iranian swift boats ... did he do the right thing?" What?
Senator Thompson: "The news must be good in Iraq ... the NY Times isn't covering the Iraq war anymore."
Rudy ... I supported the surge from the start too John.
Sorry ... been very busy ... I will have video of today's bites up soon ... plus video from tonight's debate ....
John McCain can give some stirring speeches ... this was not one of them ... but it was a great win ... and unlike the Democratic candidates ... he won't surrender.
Come on ... admit it ... Jim's pretty smart ... if you listened today and then read the post below ... I should get paid for my predictions.
Given Judy's e-mail today I must explain my position on Senator Clinton. I am not endorsing her ... when I say she is my pick I am saying it is my belief that she will win the Dem nomination and will likely be elected President. I do believe this Obamamamania is shortlived ... like anything new.
On the surface pretty damning. If its true ... no response from him yet ... then he not only sounds crazy (i.e. his position in the War On Terror) ... he is crazy.
CT Local Politics is posting this ....
Pay no attention to Mr Vicevich boys and girls ... I'm just doing my bit to save your healthcare!
Finally ... speaking out ... remember I long ago predicted Mrs Clinton would win the nomination and I still think she will ... and now her boyfriend is ticked off too.
Shocked ... shocked I tell you! You mean that CNN report could be wrong? Wait just a dog gone minute ... somebody ain't leveling with me.
Some women just don't believe a woman should be President ... or maybe just this woman?
This is the pic I talked about on today's show from the AP via Yahoo News ... he's the way and the truth ...
Wanted this on top. We played a bite today from the Dem Debate on change ... Hillary and Edwards must have used it 20 times ... and one caller phoned in to say he had heard the word so much it made him sick.
If he is, it's because he understands the number one issue facing the western world and it ain't global warming ... from his speech in NH today ... at least he gets it.
From WMUR TV tonight in New Hampshire ... Now Updated ... Hot Air reports its a radio stunt.
From tonight's Hillary rally in NH! Is it me or don't we already have this (IRAs, Roth IRAs, SEPS, etc)... minus the $1000..
Senator Clinton wants everyone to have something ... But why oh why is the answer to everything always government ... or in this case the infamous "government service". From her rally tonight in NH.
This column is four days old ... but worth the read because it speaks volumes about how I feel.
Chris Bigelow over at CT Local Politics, has info on a Republican straw poll on January 24th. Almost worth the price of admission.
Mike Gravel must be high ... speaking to high schoolers? Are you kidding me?
The best run down of the debates really comes from Powerline folks. If you are looking for a quick read summary here's the link to Saturday ... and here's their take on the Sunday Fox debate.
Our good buddy Jeff Jacoby at the Globe .... where have all the flowers ... err ... global warming gone.
Send Jeff an e-mail ... jacoby@globe.com.
My guess is he's already called the Iowa moving van company.
Update: oops ... missed this one.
And here's audio from WTIC news.
Burned out folks ... I will be depending on someone else on this one.
When you're hot in the NFL you're hot ... just ask the Steelers from a couple years ago. Not sure if the Eli we've seen these last few weeks is the real deal ... but please ... no more Big Ben and Phil Rivers ... Ben threw key INTs on Saturday and Phil Rivers could barely move his high powered offense against the Titans.