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Links from today's show ... audio and video.
I am shocked ... shocked I tell you that white Democrats are actually voting for a black man ... shocking when you consider this is the warm and fuzzy, big tent, rainbow party. You mean the whole thing was just PR ... talk ... spin?
You have to watch this to believe it. Really ... seriously ... this is how the Liberal Media sees conservatives. We just care about things like God and Rush (or Rush and God) ... but Democrats ... they care about the issues. These guys just crack me up.
This via Instapundit ... it's the Obama unplugged that I found most interesting. When asked to improvise he's a different speaker and we get a glimpse of the real Obama. Everyone speaks better with a teleprompter ... it's just most people don't change their personalities too. From the Weekly Standard:
Jim Gereghty at National Review has an update on the post we linked to below. The TV report that showed a Che flag pinned on the wall of a new Obama election office.Jim writes:
I brought this up today and questioned whether its possible. Well CNN did answer the question in its report today ... it is mostly myth ... here's the graph ... 3% of Republicans changed party affiliation to vote. It's just not likely given Obama's "nanny state mentality" (see Larry Elder below) many Republicans will vote for Obama but ........
My hero, Larry Elder (KABC / Republitarian) appeared with Wolf Blitzer a few minutes ago and just baffled Wolf. Blitzer asks him if he thinks Republicans will vote for Obama ... when Larry says no ... Wolf says, "But you're a Black Man?". Larry eats people like Wolf for lunch.
Jim Geraghty points this out ... Susan Estrich, author of The Case For Hillary Clinton, in her latest column, discussing the Bradley effect:
No one doubts, or at least no one who is honest does, that both racism and sexism come into play as people decide between Clinton and Obama, but could it be that people are more willing to admit that they won't vote for the woman than that they won't vote for the black?
I have played sound bite after sound bite from the Dems on this ... it is the Democrats worst nightmare.
We spent a good deal of time yesterday on progress in Iraq ... as Scott Bates pointed out, the news on AQI is particularly encouraging ... here's more via Instapundit.
Update: Coincidence?: Our morning show host Ray Dunaway pointed this out after sifting through DU. A little research and this is what I came up with. Coincidence? The Obama version of "crying"? Or am I just cynical (hard not to be these days)? There seems to be a trend at Obama rallies ... women fainting. And interestingly enough the Senator responds the same way every time, almost as if ... naah, couldn't be.
It happened here in Hartford ....
Throughout the speech, Obama kept a close eye on the crowd. Upon hearing a small group begin chanting “We can’t wait” — a phrase Obama had just used — he pointed them out with an outstretched arm, and within seconds the entire arena was chanting the phrase in unison.
And when a woman appeared to faint in the standing-only VIP section in front of the podium, Obama paused his speech for over a minute as he directed the crowd to make way for an EMT team and tossed a bottle of water from the stage.
but also here in New Hampshire ...
oh yeah ... and here ... in Seattle
Climate change, the Iraq war and Obama tossing a bottle of water to a woman about to faint all received big cheers. As Obama told the crowd to part so that the woman in question could leave and called for help, a young girl in the crowd shouted out, "What a man!"
and In LA ... maybe this one started it all.
He spoke for about 20 minutes, hitting his core themes of optimism and accountability."What's called for is a level of responsibility and seriousness that we haven't seen in a very long time," he told the cheering crowd, which included college students in short sundresses and big sunglasses and older couples in peace symbols.A woman standing in front of the stage appeared to faint as Obama spoke about Iraq. The candidate paused and asked the crowd to make way for firefighters.One supporter shouted, "You're a good man," leaving Obama momentarily at a loss for words."Well, I'm not the only one stopping to help her," he said, sounding almost embarrassed.
and wait ... here too in Madison ... and that was before he even got there.
Obama exited to an exuberant crowd shouting, “fired up!” and “ready to go!” Before the senator arrived, students were tossing around an inflatable cow above the crowd. Three people fainted in the midst of all the enthusiasm.
This could be a really swell game ... count the number of people on the campaign overcome by the "vapas". OK ... one more time ... it has to be hypnosis.
Tom Gross asks 'Where is the New York Times on this?". Where, indeed. We must understand different cultures have different values and forms of justice. We MUST understand.
First this:
Two sisters – identified only as Zohreh and Azar – have been convicted of adultery and sentenced to be stoned to death by the Iranian Supreme Court. Just in case anyone doesn’t realize this, the practice of stoning is excruciatingly painful for the victim.
Then This:
The 22-year-old, identified only as Mohsen, was handed down the death penalty by a criminal court after being found guilty of drinking alcohol for a fourth time.
The young man had expressed his repentance in a letter, but the judges of Branch 72 of the Tehran penal court sentenced him to death. The usual punishment for a single drinking offense is 80 lashes, according to Iran’s penal code, which is based in Islamic sharia law.
Ahh yes ... sharia law ... what was that Anglican Bishop saying about Sharia law in Britain again?
Below I asked, what is it that turns University of Virginia students into giddy little school girls? I am absolutely convinced it must be hypnosis. And now this on Hannity and Colmes tonight does nothing to make me change my mind.
Oh man. Ok where do I begin? Since the Clintons won't touch him and Obama likely won't ... Chris Matthews has two college kids on. One supports Clinton, and Katherine here ... she's like, you know, for dreamy Obama, like, you know totally. Oh yeah, she goes to Virginia as in University of. No really, she does.
Damn I love Wolf. He just loves the Clintons so much it hurts.
I swear for a minute there he sounded like a federalist. Just about an hour ago, Obama speaking in Baltimore, talking about his days as a community volunteer in Chicago and about the good that can be done on the community level.
Part of me just loves watching two factions in Liberalmanialand "cat fight." The other part is scared to death they will be landing in Connecticut next.
Listen closely to Senator Obama and how he intends to challenge Senator McCain.
OK ... I will have the video from this up by this afternoon, sorry I did not record it. But when I heard it I almost drove off the road. From the transcript.
BLITZER: Are you not worried, though, that all the gains that have been achieved over the past year might be lost?
PELOSI: There haven't been gains, Wolf. The gains have not produced the desired effect, which is the reconciliation of Iraq. This is a failure. This is a failure. The troops have succeeded, God bless them. We owe them the greatest debt of gratitude for their sacrifice, their patriotism, and for their courage, and to their families, as well. But they deserve better than a policy of a war without end, a war that could be 20 years or longer. ... This is a disaster, and we cannot perpetuate it. We have to make decisions. And the loss of life will be nearly 4,000 of our troops, an average of 800 a year, tens of thousands injured, some of them permanently, blind, amputations, and the rest.
This happened over the weekend and sorry I didn't get ot it. The orginal story via Instapundit.
The 200 members of Company A, 1st Battalion, 24th Marines, based in Grand Rapids, Mich., planned to spend their weekend engaged in urban patrol exercises on the streets of downtown as well as inside the mostly vacant Madison Building, 607 Madison Ave.
Toledo police knew days in advance about their plans for a three-day exercise. Yet somehow the memo never made it to Mayor Finkbeiner, who ordered the Marines out yesterday afternoon just minutes before their buses were to arrive.
"The mayor asked them to leave because they frighten people," said Brian Schwartz, the mayor's spokesman.
and here's the update.
News 11 asked people if they think Mayor Finkbeiner's decision is right.
One woman we asked says, "No, I feel we would have welcomed the marines."
"They're here to protect us. The mayor has no say in what they can and cannot do and I don't think the citizens have a problem with it," says another woman.
"I think Carty scares the people more than the Marines scare the people," says one man.
News 11 and wants to know what you think.
UPDATE: Here's a link to video from WTOL ... the Mayor is an ... ahh forget it.
Saw the headline on Saturday on my iPhone ... must have forgotten to blog on this.
Here's the latest.
But questions over his future continued to be raised, with several senior Anglicans joining politicians in denouncing his claim last week that the adoption of elements of Islamic law was "unavoidable".
Two members of the General Synod have called for Dr Williams to quit, and the previous Archbishop of Canterbury, Lord Carey, as well as the current leader of the Anglican church in South America, have attacked his comments.
Here's the original story that caused the outrage.
The archbishop of Canterbury called for applying Islamic Shariah law in Britain in certain instances, saying its use there "seems unavoidable" and may help maintain social order.In an interview conducted Monday and broadcast yesterday by BBC Radio, Archbishop Rowan Williams, leader of the 77-million-member Anglican Communion, said "there is a place for finding what would be a constructive accommodation with some aspects of Muslim law as we already do with some kinds of aspects of other religious law" in the United Kingdom.
What a bunch of missy pants at NBC ... reportedly they wanted to fire Shuster. Read what I had to say on the subject below. (via hot air)
Big Head DC has learned from sources inside the MSNBC camp that Phil Griffin, senior vice president at the network, “screamed” at reporter David Shuster for not agreeing to immediately apologize to Chelsea Clinton for saying on-air she had been “pimped out” by her mom’s campaign. Griffin threatened to fire Shuster “on the spot,” and it was only with intervention from Tim Russert that Shuster didn’t lose his position.
Oh Brother! The Victocrats win again.
Poor AQ ... they are hurtin' for certin'.
A diary and another document seized during U.S. raids show some Al Qaeda in Iraq leaders fear the terror group is crumbling, with many fighters defecting to American-backed neighborhood groups, the U.S. military said Sunday.
But remember, in the words of Speaker Nancy Pelosi, "The surge is a complete and utter failure." Livin in the land of the Pharaoh .. and you know what river runs through that land.
UPDATE: Wait ... wait ... I forgot this ... via Little Green Footballs.
Obama calling the surge "a complete failure."
(Via Hotair) If you watch no other video all year, please watch this one, all the way through. He explains perfectly the role of government in the economy. And if the Government sticks to its role, as opposed to super revenue collector, all other things will follow. (Original Post - STACLU)
Jim Amann on Face The State ... "I'm not saying there's anything wrong with Governor Rell." Smart man, smart man.
Tom DeLay seems to think the Republicans are fractured. I think Hillary Clinton is a powerful motivator.
I have been saying this for years folks. The Democrat Big Whigs think you are stupid. Too stupid to take care of your children, you health, your retirement and ... oh yeah, to pick a President.
We have a winner. Will1962 bid $810. Thank you so much. We had over 230 people go to the auction and about 11 bidders I think. Thanks again ... and the money will be going directly to the Returning Heroes Home Project in Texas.
Uncle Bob asks the diabolical Karl Rove ... who would be easier for The Republicans to beat, Senator Clinton or Obama? Guess which one Rove thinks has a weakness. Guess the weakness.
Here's Karl Rove on Face The Nation. Two messages:
Can't say I disagree with anything the ole Huckster had to say today on FTN. He's staying in the race ... he thinks debate will help the Republican party (not sure I follow that), BUT, he also said this ... which actually is true.
Oh man ... I loved the Guinness Chocolate Cake ... but the Boston Cream Cake was excellent ... maybe I will make it a poll.
Just about 3 hours left to bid on that Charlie Daniels, Chris Hillman package ... up to $810. Come on folks. It's for the wounded soldiers. And yes, I am pretty sure you can make the check out to the Returning Heroes Home Project.
Off to a cake tasting for my daughter's wedding ... I will get the video up just as soon as I finish uploading some sugar ... and you know what I am talking about.
Yikes ... did a google search on Shuster and this is the first thing that came up.
First my thoughts then some links to others including ... arghhhh ... NOW.
What Shuster said was rude, crude and unacceptable ... especially from a reporter. But it does show how the vulgarity of the "hip hop" culture has crept into our everyday lexicon and words like "pimp", "ho", that years ago would have gotten your mouth washed out with soap, today are considered plain speak. It's not. It's crude and tells us more about Shusters available vocabulary than his political bias, as Hillary would have us believe. An apology, for sure. Suspension? Please!
Now ... first read this via Instapundit:
WORKING THE PIMP: "It’s hard to read about MSNBC’s relationship to the mothership Clinton campaign these days without being reminded of Vichy France."
In case you have not seen Senator Clinton's push back against MSNBC and the David Shuster "pimping out their daughter" comment ... here it is. She's outraged. Welcome to politics.