Well it took a few days but Michelle's dark and dreary world is finally getting some national attention ... You've heard the audio on my show now here's the same speech in NC ... Byron York at National Review:
The crowd begins to applaud; they think they’re hearing a happy, inspiring story. But that’s not where Mrs. Obama is going.
“And then that little girl started to break down in tears,” she continues. “She sobbed so hard. She was crying big, huge tears. And I had to think, why is this little girl crying so hard? And I thought, you know what’s going on? This little old girl gets it.”
“Yeah — ”
“This little ten-year-old girl knows what’s at stake.”
“That’s right — ”
“She knows that she’s already five steps behind — “
“Mmm-huh — ”
“She knows that her hopes for college are already dwindling — ”
“Yes — ”
“She knows that if she gets sick, maybe has an asthma attack, instead of going to a doctor and being treated, she’s going to be sitting in an emergency room for hours on end.”
“That’s right — ”
In short, Obama says, the little girl, just ten, knows that the bar has been moved far away from her, and she “feels that veil of impossibility, and it is suffocating her.”
“This little girl is in all of us,” Obama concludes.
“Mmm-huh — ”
It is indeed a dark and dreary world.
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