I edited down Obama's big "giveaway" from last night's speech. You name it ... Obama is giving it away ... using your money.
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Links from today's show ... audio and video.
I edited down Obama's big "giveaway" from last night's speech. You name it ... Obama is giving it away ... using your money.
Cavuto had Martha Stewart on the show today ... the woman who can turn wrapping paper into a Hamptons condo (well ... that's what I heard) ... turns out she doesn't care who wins as long as its a Democrat ... ughhh. Pass the salt please. Oh ... and the best part comes at the end.
Man ... I hope their men get the nomination cause this could be fun. Sure doesn't sound like Cindy is one of those sideline kinda girls.
Some people seem to find opportunity knocking even in a down economy. The market system at work?
I found Michelle Obama to be very charming and engaging in her interview with Larry King the other night. Even when Larry through her a curve ("Did you hear McCain might pick Condi Rice as his running mate? Why no Larry I had not) she sliced it into left field for a clean single.
But something happens to people when they stand in front of rabid fans.
For the first time in my adult lifetime, I'm proud of my country. And not just because Barack has done well, but because I think people are hungry for change. And I have been desperate to see our country moving in that direction. And just not feeling so alone in my frustration and disappointment I've seen people who are hungry to be unified around some basic, common issues and it's made me proud.
Two great commentaries on this this morning. One via powerlineblog.
The other from the Weekly Standard.
Instead of seeing America as a place which afforded her the opportunity to create a blessed life, Mrs. Obama seems to view it as a place where some "people" are always trying to hold her back. Whoever these "people" are, we should be glad they haven't been successful.
I don't think its such a big deal. Sure he lifted a phrase word for word from a Patrick speech. Yeah ... maybe it was plagiarized.
A couple quick hits from the Hannity and Colmes interview with Robert Holeman. Who is Robert Holeman? He's the Obama supporter who confronted President Clinton at a rally and got an elbow in the face for his trouble. But after listening to these clips the story changes dramatically. First here's what he said after the incident:
Just wanted to thank a few folks for crediting the blog with the Obama fainting spells.
This from James Taranto at the Wall Street Journal ... and linked to by Michelle Malkin
and of course Jim Geraghty at National Review
Hey when you are smacked down by this new flu (Doc to Jim: "Oh the flu shot wouldn't have helped you on this one." Umm thanks) what else do you have to do but watch every Sunday show. Scroll down for my highlights.
Oh yes ... I will be watching the Michelle Obama interview with Larry tonight. Just wanna see if he does something to really tick her off. Now that's entertainment!
Just sit back and enjoy. It's all about the Obama pledge to only use public money if he won the Democratic nomination. Obama called on the Republicans to do the same. Only McCain did. Well goll-lee .... look who got the Republican nomination ... and look who's trying to squirrel out of his pledge. From Face The Nation this morning.
OK ... so here was the Obama theme all morning long. Sense a pattern?
Yikes ... well of course. But what I like even better, and shows me he really gets it, is his statement at the end. If the economy continues to turn down ... perhaps more tax cuts are in order.
Even in the stupor of my cough medicine I heard this one loud and clear. So let me get this straight, I CAN call Barack Obama articulate or not?
Those crazy Christians. NBA commentator Charles Barkley was on with Wolf this morning and tried to explain his Conservative Christians are "fake" line. I will leave the theological discussion for another day ... but the exchange between Thunder and the Wolf man was ... well priceless.