This brought to my attention by Ann about Gathering of Eagles
New Haven, CT Rallies
March 27, 2008
For Immediate Release:
The GATHERING OF EAGLES, a patriotic organization whose goal is to publicly support our men and women in uniform, whether active duty or veteran, announces our whole hearted participation with the New Haven EAGLES UP in an upcoming rally at the Vietnam and Korean War memorial. The Vietnam and Korean War Memorial Walls in New Haven, CT have been desecrated on three separate occasions. It was claimed to have been done by Illegal Alien gangs including - but not necessarily limited to - the MS-13 criminal gang organization, due to the messages that were scrawled upon the face of these memorials. We as Americans should never stand for this.
These two internet links
show the media coverage of this story. On Saturday, April 5th, Gathering of Eagles will be holding a rally at the War Memorial Park in New Haven, to protest this unspeakable act and to stand up for our fallen heroes. This practice of Free Speech by the Gathering of Eagles is done as our rights as citizens; and is also done to show that those who appear to have desecrated these memorials are not Americans at all and wish to dishonor those who guarantee our rights as veterans. Please pass the word around and stand with us.
Please don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions regarding this event.
James Bancroft
Media Coordinator, GATHERING OF EAGLES, Connecticut
Rally 1:War Memorial Park, Long Wharf Drive, New Haven, CT.When : Sat. April 5th (12-2 PM)
Rally 2:War Memorial Park, Long Wharf Drive, New Haven, CT.When: Sat. April 5th (2-4 PM)
~Post by Mel
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