Stuff the MSM doesn't want you to here and notice, SURRENDER
~Post by Mel
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Links from today's show ... audio and video.
By now you have heard about the secret Michelle Obama tape where she allegedly uses the word "whitey". I have not referred to it on the show because I do not think this secret tape exists ... or it would be out by now. Jim Geraghty agrees with me. But Powerline has a pretty good substitute video.
Powerline has a nice anlaysis on the Obama speech ... comparing it with those of Jack Kennedy. Just not favorably. Here's a taste but read it all.
Whereas JFK's speech framed generational change defending and advancing liberty around the world, Obama's holds out generational change to support the causes of retreat abroad and unlimited government at home. The challenges outlined by Obama are to be addressed by government programs in which citizens become clients of the welfare state, as early in life as possible.
Expect to read more on this ... as I mentioned on the show about Obama's position on Iran ... he's beginning to back track ... but as Jim Geraghty points out ... Senator Lieberman won't let him get away on it.
Expect the big story coming out of AIPAC to be Obama's declaration that he thinks the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps ought to be designated a a terrorist organization... and how this balances with his vote against that exact designation less than a year ago.
This will slay you. Congressman James Clyburn on Morning Joe yesterday stunned me with this one yesterday. Pat Buchanan asked Clyburn what Obama needed to do to win the middle class white vote. Clyburn's response is classic and speaks volumes about what these Democrats think of country folk in West Virginia, Kentucky and Pennsylvania.
So let's get this straight. You cousin kissin, sister marrying, gap toothed white folk can't identify with success, Harvard, a good education ... but you can identify with single parenthood, food stamps, and being passed off to grandparents. UNBELIEVABLE!
One again ... Harriet Christian, the Clinton supporter who lost it at the Democrat Rules Committee Hearing talked about the event with Cavuto today on Fox ... click or scroll down to see and hear it all ... but here's my favorite part.
No ... she will not vote for Obama.
This will be interesting to see if Obama's position evolves here too. Powerline has a nice little analysis with video.
We wrote here about Barack Obama's Iraq dilemma. He has ridden the Democratic Party's defeatism to a virtual lock on the Presidential nomination, even as events in Iraq have proved his defeatism wrong. So what is he to do in anticipation of the general election, in which defeatism, on the most optimistic assumptions, will not be as popular as in the Democratic primaries?
Just a great post from Conservative 24/7 ... it's a couple weeks old but work noting again. Here's the gist:
I have not had much time to post lately, but my new portal at work has been down for the last 30 minutes so I headed over to American Thinker and found this post concerning Obama’s changing opinions during the past 30 days.
Nice post here from regular listener Ron Winter ... the media is in the tank ... they don't even care you know.
Its the first thing they do when you point to the very thing the mass media has been talking about ... race. They call you a racist. Not right ... she's a nice woman and frustrated. The original rant from Harriet at the Rules Committee hearing is at the end of the post.
They gave a decent headline but of course only waited until the second paragraph to try to throw in something bad. But notice how they have to do it, they thrown in the part about Iraqi civilian deaths being at a 7 month high in April. What ever way they can find to make numbers seem bad. If you look at the stats, EVERYTHING is down overall. Please look at the stats for yourself here in graph form at This article continues to try to paint the doom and gloom. gives you an actually analysis of the FACTS on the ground.
I'm not the biggest Manny fan but got to give credit where it's deserved. Congrats Manny. Here's a little part of Gordon Edes piece. Read article here